What’s Happening
- Grief in the time of Covid: some reflections on lossApril 4, 2020 - 9:13 pm
- Writers Rebel is bornOctober 24, 2019 - 10:50 pm
- Buy The Ninth Life of Louis Drax DVD on AmazonDecember 21, 2016 - 10:40 pm
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The books which have inspired Liz to write Your Wild and Precious Life
My son’s death will never make sense to me. But it has taught me that it’s possible to find meaning, collectively and individually, in the loss of what we love. And in finding them, transform. Resilience is a seed that we all bear inside us. It germinates in emergencies. It sets down roots in astonishing […]
Dear Reader: a letter from Liz
Dear Reader, Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand That this, too, was a gift. A friend sent me those words by the poet Mary Oliver after my son Raphaël, a wildlife biologist and climate and environmental activist, died suddenly in February 2020. He was […]
The best books about psychic powers, consciousness, and the quest for the numinous
Liz writes on ‘The best books about psychic powers, consciousness, and the quest for the numinous‘. Read More
The write way to fight
WHEN WRITERS REBEL (WR) formed to become Extinction Rebellion’s (XR’s) literary wing in the summer of 2019, our aim was to put literature in the service of the threatened ecosystems that sustain us. One of our inspirations was the Indian novelist Amitav Ghosh’s 2016 book, The Great Derangement, which criticised literary fiction’s failure to address climate […]
Dear Great Britain, aka the United Kingdom, issuer of my passport, former colonial power, home of Sir David Attenborough and manufacturer of good crisps, Royal scandals, comedy shows and inventor of the word “sorry”- So, you got Brexit done. But are you great? Are you united? As someone born within your shores I am supposed […]
Changing Tides by Sally Jensen
Liz didn’t write this cogent article on cli-fi in the movie world but she wishes she had. It’s by her niece Sally Jensen, and was first published in Film Stories Magazine.
Opening scenes. A freak polar vortex blankets the US Midwest with snow, ice and bitter cold, bringing society to a standstill. After consecutive floods, droughts and cyclones, a city of 9 million people runs out of water. Record-shattering heat hits rich European countries, killing the most vulnerable and parching once-verdant hillscapes.
Our House, Our Fire, our Fiction
“I want you to act as you would in a crisis,” the 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg told Davos. “I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.”
When a kid in pigtails speaks truth to power, the world listens.
Courage is fear that has said its prayers
I know a glaciologist who spends much of her time deep in ice. Like many of her colleagues, Birgitte has found and measured pieces of the climate jigsaw for herself. She can see how and where they fit in the future picture of our shared home, to the point where she sometimes wishes she knew less.